

68 kg

Yes, 68kg despite of yesterday's overeating - basically I've gained 2 pounds during this last week, which is a bit comforting as I thought I've gained twice that. But always that 1kg is the hardest to lose because it's kind of already settled and stable. Brrrrrrr. But I have a bigger picture in mind, remember - BIGGER PICTURE!
I promised myself if I reach 65kg (WHEN I reach 65kg) I will buy myself this pills for sculpting bust (I'd really wanna try it but it's very expensive and you risk the lot of money). And when I go under 67kg, I allow myself to drink from this sweet blue mug I've bought.
Anyway, this week I don't have my PE lessons but hopefully I will go for a cycling or something during the holidays (4 days this week, but unfortunately I have to catch up with a bunch of friends that I don't really want to so my really free time will be limited).

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