

67,3 kg

Yesterday I tried to eat clean, although in the evening I consumed 1 mini chocolate bar (Kinder Country), cereal bar with chocolate (Nestle - 160cal), 2 small apple beers (like 600-700ml) and 2 shots of irish cream. Hm. It didn't seem that much yesterday. However, today I am not drinking, I will try to eat better and go for a walk or something to breathe in some fresh air and give my brain a lot of oxygen to study better <3
I've decided I won't count calories next couple of weeks (till the end of examination period) but only on the condition that I won't binge either. Yesterday I managed that, I was just at the party, so hungry etc., but I didn't binge, I didn't purge. It was a good day when it comes to my mood and emotions. Hope today will be a good day as well, although, I'm a little bit tired ;)


68 kg and examination period

Hey, I haven't posted anything in a while now, cause I just don't have any good news to announce :)

I've recovered from my ilness just about a 10 days ago and I have to sit on my ass and read books cause my examination period is about to start. I just sit all day, drink coffee (with milk of course) and eat sugar, cause it helps me not to fall asleep. So I've gained another kilogram - as you can see. I thought that if I will be stressed because of my exams, I will lose a few pounds. Actually, it's the other way around, I'm stressed and I cannot mobilize myself to do anything, so I eat. And I eat. And I eat. It just comforts you and helps forget about unpleasant duties and problems. Which is very, very bad and I'll try to avoid it. Or limit it at least. I'll post something when SOMETHING positive happens, with my weight for example. Take care!