


Things got out of control a little bit lately.
But I've decided to work on it. Binging/purging has been destroying my life and took control over it. I'm trying to change that. I believe firstly I have to overcome that in order to lose weight. It's not helping anymore. It's been three years since everything has started and it is high time to end it.
One of my friends is managing a quite successful model career. The other one just got engaged. My friend is just about to get a job and do the internship. Few of other collagues are developing their band, playing concerts and trying to record. Another one is going on the Erasmus students exchange. People have plans. They make them happen, they plan their goals and they achieve them. All successes I can share with people are the facts that I didn't binge today (yet) or that I didn't binge yesterday or I lost 1 pound (then gain 5 but whatever) or that I got a healthy breakfast. I don't want these kind of achievements anymore. I have to do something with my life to achieve something in my life. And soon I will be 20 years old. This whole food/weight problem has been concerning my mind for far too long now. I've even bought the book called "Diet Coach" the other day. Must read it.