

Coming Back Home


I cannot believe how much time has passed since I last wrote something here.
I have grown up a bit since then, but maybe it is time to come back.

I am a 24 year old, grown up young woman, with a full time job and last year of master degree and I am not in love with anyone anymore. A bit sceptical.  Can be in love only with myself now.

However, it would be much easier to be in love with myself if I didn't weigh 63 kg.
It is time to get back in the game and fight for yourself!

I will try to post everyday and control my weight and calorie intake everyday.
I could use some routine and stability ;)

Today I have a big opening at my job (like we are starting now for real), so probably I won't be able to control my menu today so well, but starting from tomorrow - I 'll nail it.

Will post in the morning!