

63 again

My first day of period,
Last day of thinking about ex boyfriend.

I need to get a grip.
And start diet.
And fly to Italy for my first business trip.
And not to get drunk during the formal dinner that they will probably take us to.
And not to eat to much.
So help me God.

I have no idea how it will look like in terms of food, but I guess it would be a failure to start a diet (boot camp in plans) on the first day of period and a business trip.
Or am I looking for excuses.

I will watch what I eat and I will try to write it down here (everything) but I am not ready for starting ABC today. Definitely not.

Take care and keep your fingers crossed for me!



Coming Back Home


I cannot believe how much time has passed since I last wrote something here.
I have grown up a bit since then, but maybe it is time to come back.

I am a 24 year old, grown up young woman, with a full time job and last year of master degree and I am not in love with anyone anymore. A bit sceptical.  Can be in love only with myself now.

However, it would be much easier to be in love with myself if I didn't weigh 63 kg.
It is time to get back in the game and fight for yourself!

I will try to post everyday and control my weight and calorie intake everyday.
I could use some routine and stability ;)

Today I have a big opening at my job (like we are starting now for real), so probably I won't be able to control my menu today so well, but starting from tomorrow - I 'll nail it.

Will post in the morning!



Consume it all.
Swallow it as it is
Sit with your shoulders down
Like it you have battled the whole world
And was defeated.

Give him your cross
A lucky charm
That was ripped out of your heart
Your soul
Your mind
Your spirit
Make a bonfire
And throw yourself in it.

And one day
Someone will find a daffodil
In the cinders.


The Day We Did The Laundry

The day we did the laundry
What was the point?

That day we did the laundry
We did a good
I said.
- Yes, we did
pretty good.

What was the point?
It was 9 o'clock.
9 am.

We did a good job,
I said.

I tried to make it easy

I tried to make it banal
It didn't work.


A poem for dead cat

a poem for dead cat

dearest Cat
I m so sad that you are dead
you were always close
you understood
you purred

everyone liked you
oh, He! he is so beautiful
so soft
-that's what everyone said.

This cat is so special!
He always understands!
He can always find people
who are in need
who are in pain

And he just lays next to them
on their elbow
on their belly
on their leg
on their heart.
He always comes to comfort!
You have such a wonderful cat.

Everyone stroked you
oooh, he is soooo nice!

And when you re dead.
Who will cry after you
But me?

No one.
Because you re alive.
And maybe it is just me
who is the cat.




Still the same weight as the last time but it is 1st of December and I am really starting to work on myself. New Year's Eve is close!


59,8 kg


I ve been such a mess lately. I can't go down to this "57" that I once weighted but at least I am back on the right track again. I walk a lot, I am trying to stay out of sweets... We will see. But I definitely hate it when I am over 60 kilograms; I ve crossed that line lately and it was awful...

Today I am sharing more than one photo of gorgeous Serena cause I want to finally get rid of them and start a new "chapter" of my blog :)