


I had  a lunch at 1.30 - I ate two slices of dark bread with two boiled eggs, some fresh spinach and lettuce - no butter or anything like that - 320 calories.

Then I went to my friend (short, fast walk) I drank a mug of coffee with 3,2% fat milk (but there wasn't a lot of it). I also ate  quarter of an apple - so it's another 80 calories.

No I'm already a little bit hungry (to be honest, more then a little bit) and I'm about to grill myself a huge piece of salmon. I don't know how many calories that would be, but firstly - it's very healthy, secondly - those are mostly proteins and unsaturated fats, so it improves metabolism, thirdly - today I have eaten about 550 calories so far, so even if this salmon costs me 700 calories - there is no huge devastation ;)

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