

67,8 after holidays

Yes, Saturday's evening and night are a blur, unfortunately yesterday's evening- also not that pleasing, but it is not SO bad after all. New week, here I come with new Power and Hope, convinced that I WILL do sometning during those upcoming days.
Firstly, I want to stop binging. I'm aware of the fact it is impossible to deal with it "just like that" but I want to draw myself a line - and this week, line means two times. I CANNOT BINGE MORE THAN TWICE THIS WEEK! I made a promise like this one time and it worked - for about a month, while I was having my school leaving exams. Now I want to go back to improving this annoying habit. That's all it is, a habit.
Secondly - I promise to get down to my diet and workout and to get to 66kg at the and of the week. It's not that much, it's not even 2kg and I know I can do that, I just have to be focused and determined. So MY GOAL IS TO WEIGH 66 KG by 12th OF NOVEMBER. It's simple goal and I will follow my path to achieve it. Small steps, they say. Well, it is high time we tried their advices.

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