


Yesterday I was at the party; I came there with a bottle of Cola Light and that was the only thing that I drank :) I didn't touch the alcohol and still I had a great time - I went with my best friend and she couldn't drink either cause she was driving, but we were choosing the music and dancing all the time. It was great, I can't recall the last time I was having such a thrill at the party. No hangover, no headache, not being embarrassed by things that I said :D And really, we danced and laughed and we stayed almost 4 hours! :)

However, I made myself a dinner at 4 o'clock in the morning, but it wasn't much - a piece of bread with a slice of cheese and a few noodles. I know that I shouldn't but my tummy was practically aching out of hunger and I didn't binge, just ate a small meal in the middle of the night ;)



I just came back from my weekend at the lake (the weather was awful, it was cold and raining all the time and we had to stay in our room watching TV), but I was nicely surprised when I stepped on the scale today and saw the number: 62.9 :)  I don't remember exactly, but I think I weighed that "little" in the first grade of the middle school. I tried to eat less and healthier during this weekend, so I am really happy that it paid off. I still cannot fit into my jeans that I bought 2 years ago, though :(
But I will try. I am lighter, I can do more exercises, I will try to lose more kilograms!




This is a very nice number. Yesterday I went for a walk (again, about 40 minutes, quite fast speed), but the sad truth is, I also binged yesterday :( And of course, I tried to get rid of everything I consumed. And then I didn't ate (since 3 or 4 p.m.), I only drank coffee and diet coke and went to bed about 1 a.m. So it's  not a healthy weight loss and I don't have anything to be proud of, but at the same time I can't help enjoying the number with 63 at the beginning.

Today I will try to eat healthier, I hope it won't jeopardize my weight loss.



Yesterday I binged, I ate so many sweets... I'm afraid this weight lose of 0,6kg is just temporary. But I also went for a walk for about 40 minutes (fast march).

Well, maybe I should be weighing myself every two days, not every day anyway.
Today, as the number on a scale is so pretty, I will do everything to maintain diet :)

I also have to study hard because I have to retake exam in a week and the amount of obligatory material is, well, biiiig. However, I will try to find some time to do exercise or go for a walk or do some other physical activity. Every kilogram is important!


64,9 :(

No, this is NOT fair. It's actually so depressing. I mean, I really tried yesterday, I did everything I could and still - the number on a scale didn't change A BIT!

I don't know what else can I do, really. I know that yesterday I wrote that I am happy with my weight and I meant it, but it's different when you are trying hard and there are no results...
God, I ate about 800 calories yesterday! What else do I have to do to lose one fucking pound?! Is this the weigh plateau everyone is talking about? I don't fucking care, it's not the time for it, I'm not even half way through with losing weight!

I really don't know what I am going to do.

Day 1 - Calorie Balance

light cottage cheese with radish and 2 rice cakes - 200cal
light youghurt with musli - 270cal
sunbites and cereal bar - 240cal
instant soup and a piece of bread - 150cal
TOTAL: 860 calories

First Healthy Breakfast In A Weeks!

Yep, as I wrote in a previous post, in the morning my scale showed 64,9 kg.

I want to weigh 60kg in two weeks.

My Breakfast Today:

-230g of fresh radish
-150g of light cottage cheese
-2 rice cakes

40cal + 120cal + 40cal = 200 cal


I've been on a vacation so I didn't really control my weight and also had problem with counting calories etc. But now I'm back and I will be trying again :) Though I must admit that I am not all unhappy about my weight, the way I look and stuff like that; those 65 kilograms are not that bad, I don't feel disgusting and don't have a big problem with looking in the mirror anymore. Those holidays gave me a great deal of confidence, probably because I've been with people who like me and do not criticize me all the time :)

Anyway, my best friend will be back from holidays in 2 weeks and I really want to look better by then :)